how to cure prostatitis

A disease characteristic of men, accompanied by a disorder of the functions of the genitourinary system and contributing to the development of a number of irreversible pathologies, is prostatitis. The disease is an inflammation of the prostate gland.

prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland

As symptoms of the disease, it is worth highlighting:

  • pain in almost every part of the hip region (perineum, anus, groin, scrotum, etc. );
  • urination becomes more frequent, accompanied by pain;
  • the body temperature rises, and the temperature in the anus is noticeably higher than the temperature in the armpit;
  • pain in joints and muscles of varying severity can be observed;
  • periodically there are severe headaches and general weakness of the body appears.

Why does prostatitis occur?

The causes of the pathology are divided into infectious and non-infectious. Obviously, in the first case, the cause of the disease is the activity of microorganisms that enter the man's body from the outside.

Among the non-infectious reasons, it is worth highlighting a weakened immune system, hypothermia, low physical activity, prolonged sexual abstinence, excessively active sex life, alcoholism.

Infectious causes of the development of prostatitis can be roughly divided into two types. The first type of infectious causes should include infections acquired sexually from an infected partner, and the second type includes existing infectious diseases in the body of men against which prostatitis develops (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, kidney disease).

Types of prostatitis

Due to a number of factors and criteria, prostatitis is divided into acute, chronic, chronic bacterial and asymptomatic. Often the disease is accompanied by urethritis or vesiculitis. The emergence of acute prostatitis can be based on the pathogenic activity of a huge number of microorganisms (E. coli, Klebsiela, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. ). Many microorganisms are an integral part of the healthy microflora of skin tissues or intestines, however, getting into the tissues of the prostate gland, they cause a rapidly developing inflammatory process. Due to the pronounced clinical symptoms, the diagnosis of an acute form of pathology is a relatively uncomplicated event. As a rule, blood and urine tests are sufficient, but for maximum informational content, a smear can be taken for bacteriological examination, transrectal ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

The development of a chronic bacterial form of prostatitis occurs as a consequence of the pathogenic activity of pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the tissues of the prostate gland. Among the methods for diagnosing this form of the disease, it is worth highlighting uroflowmetry, microscopy of prostate secretions, and survey urography.

Treatment of prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis is based on the use of antibiotics, which are different in their aggressiveness depending on the development and course of the pathology. Prescription of drugs is individual in each case, it depends both on the form of the disease and on the characteristics of the organism. Prescription of drugs and their dosage is determined by the attending urologist, based on the results of diagnostic studies. In some forms of prostatitis, combination therapy is used, that is, the use of several antibiotics at the same time, in this regard, drugs are prescribed to neutralize their side effects (probiotics). It is possible to use immunostimulants to strengthen the functional capacity of the immune system and vitamin complexes. In some cases, prostate massage is prescribed. The treatment of the disease must be approached very, very seriously, at least due to the possible development of malignant neoplasms during the development of prostatitis. Prostate cancer is not just a dangerous disease, but often threatens a person's life. In no case should you neglect the treatment and when the first signs of the disease appear, contact your urologist. Therapy in the early stages of prostatitis will allow you to get rid of the disease forever.